Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Little Monster In My Head: EGO

There is the problem of this ego. It is the little monster who lives in my head, crouched behind my good sense, waiting for the opportunity to cause trouble. It always wants to be right. It doesn’t matter if it is right or not; it will rationalize, it will justify, it will risk friends, family, and peace of mind-just to win, to be “better”.
Now, knowing this, I have the advantage. When this ego tries to convince me it is okay to manipulate others, or behave like a spoiled child, or be angry at someone for doing the same thing I do, I can look at the situation and say,” Hmmm, here is this little ego playing its games again.” But only if I choose to do so.

The key is that I do have a choice. This ego would like me to think otherwise-that life is a competition to be won or lost. It would like me to react to its endless tricks instead of laughing at its antics. It would like me to perpetuate its games. But when I use the knowledge, I observe and absolve rather than react and retaliate; then I sail through the situation I encounter, unaffected and unafraid.

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