Saturday, February 3, 2007

Spirituality Discover: Fear

Nature has put an amount of inbuilt fear in all living beings. This fear makes life defend itself. Like salt in the food, a little bit of fear is essential for people to be righteous.
Fear of hurting someone makes you more conscious. Fear of failure makes you more keen and dynamic. Fear moves you from carelessness to taking care. Fear moves you from being insensitive to being sensitive.
Fear moves from dullness to alertness. Total lack of fear may lead to destructive tendency – a distorted ego knows no fear. Neither does the expanded consciousness! Whereas the ego dismisses the fear and moves in disruptive manner, the wise one acknowledge the fear and takes refuge in the Divine.
When you are in love, when you are surrendered, there is no fear. Ego, too, knows no fear. But there is a difference, like that of heaven and earth, between these two types of fearless states.
Fear makes you righteous; fear brings you close to surrender, fear keep you on path; keeps you from being destructive. Peace and law are maintained on the planet because of fear. A new-born child knows no fear – it totally relies on its mother.
Whether a child, a kitten or a bird, when they start becoming independent they experience fear which makes them go running back to their mothers. This is inbuilt by nature to sustain life.
So, the purpose of fear is to bring you back to the source!

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