How to grow rich while you sleep? You can do it by communicating with your Creative Mind while your Conscious Mind sleeps along

At this time, your creative mind is highly receptive and the conscious mind cannot interfere. Send your creative mind a message while you sleep, and that message sinks in. It even can eradicate undesiable old message. (You can do this at other times, too, but the best time is when you are asleep). And, by the way, you’ll sleep soundly.
The actual process of communication is very easy. Some people take days to master this pricless secret. I know of several men who did it in one night. It’s a wonderful experience to find that magic genie at your command.
Your Magic Formula
Five rules are given here for you to follow in gaining full and satisfying cooperation from your Creative Mind.
1. Before retiring, relax thoroughly- both mentally and physically.
2. Think of your problem. Think it through- but do not fear it. If you were to give a job to another person, you would have to explain what you wanted done. This is true with your creative mind. You are about to give it a special assignment, so it is necessary that you have clearly in mind just what it is you desire from your creative mind.
Do not fera it, because you will be turing it over intelligence of your conscious mind.
3. Gain a success Attitude. If you developed faith in your creative mind, it will be easy to have a success attitude. You will kon that it is able, ready and willing to serve you.
4. Ater you have gone this far, remove all thoughts of the problem from your conscious mind, knowing that the solution will be forthcoming at right time.
Let’s say, for example, that you have an important appointment at ten o’clock tomorrow morning, at which time you must make a momentous morning, at which time you must make a momentous decision. You are calling upon your creative mind this evening to help you to make the right decision. After you have progressed through the routine given above, merely turn the whole thing over to your creative mind- knowing that before ten o’clock tomorrow you will have the answer.
You’ll be amazed to find what will happen. Next morning you will awaken and find what will happen. Next morning you will be awaken and find thoughts coming into your consciousness as nto what you should do, and with this knowledge will be the reason why you should take such a step- or why you should avoid it. The succession of ideas will be so logical you will not be able to doubt it.
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