Saturday, January 20, 2007

Spirituality Says Accept Blame

WHEN SOMEONE BLAMES YOU, WHAT DO YOU USUALLY DO? You blame them back or you put up a resistance in yourself. How do you feel when someone blames you? Hurt, unhappy, sad, heavy? This is all because you are resisting! What you resist, persist.

You get hurt because you resist the blame.

Know that when someone blames you, they take away some negative from you. If you understand this, you will only feel happy about it. If you resist when someone blames you, you are not allowing that person to take away the negative Karma. Even if you don’t react outwardly, you may still be resisting inside.
Actually it’s fine to resist outside, but inside don’t resist. You will feel immediately lighter. You can feel happy: Oh, good, somebody is blaming me and taking some of my negative karma. The ignorant person says, “Don’t blame me” because it hurts him. An enlightened person also says “Don’t blame me”. Do you know why? Because it might hurt you. You can tell someone not to blame you out of anger out of compassion.

Secret of rebirth: Washing Machine

OUR BOBY IS LIKE A WASHING MACHINE. OUR MIND IS LIKE cloth. Love is like pure water. Knowledge is detergent. Each lifetime is one wash cycle.
The mind comes into the body to get cleansed and pure. But if you put in mud instead of detergent, your clothes become dirtier than before. You will have to go putting your clothes repeats again and again.

Similarly, you will have many more births until you stop repeating the mistake you have made.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Seven Spiritual Laws

The First Law

The spirit that is running your life is sacred, honor this life energy. As you honor the life force, then naturally, all the other virtues will become your expression effortlessly. You become generous, you have a sense of belonging, and you feel connected to everyone and everything.

The Second Law

Stop blaming others, and yourself, and begin praising other and yourself. This doesn’t mean that you should not make a comment when it is needed. You can criticize, but the criticism should not come from your heart – it should be lip criticism only.

The third Law

Point out the mistake but also offer a solution. If you pose a problem, and do not give a solution, then it is only half done. If you cannot find an immediate solution, then work on finding a remedy together.

The Fourth Law

No individual has an independent existence. Every individual has an independent existence. Every individual mind is connected with the cosmic mind. Everything happens within the cosmic time-space design. Times change, and friends can become foes or vice-versa. Keep a deep-rooted faith in the spirit, in your self, and in your life.

The Fifth Law

Take some time off for yourself. Be alone for a little while, a few days in a year, and a few moments a day. This consolidates the energy, the spirit that you are.

The Six Law

Know that everything is temporary, everything changes. Whatever you address as “this” changes. That which says “this”, that does not change. “I am happy”, “I am unhappy”, who is this “I”? There is no “I”, but “I am” consciousness. The limited “I am” consciousness, when it dissolves, becomes “is-ness”. Everything “is” – the mountain are, the tree are, I am. The “I” is nothing but an air bubble, it just disappears. That is Samadhi, that is meditation.

The Seventh Law

Surrender the bliss or joy of your meditation. Letting go, not holding on even to peace. When you hold holding on even to peace. When you hold on to peace, all you get is disturbance. If you don’t care for joy, misery will never touch you, if you don’t care for care for peace, nothing will disturb you. Everything is part of life, so make us of every situation in life as a step towards growth. Accept and receive everything as part of life. This endurance is the Seventh Spiritual Law. When you don’t when you don’t hang on to freedom you gain love.

-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Spiritual Way to Remove DOUBT


Accept a doubt as either black or white.

See your doubt as white and there is no doubt. See the doubt as black and accept it. Either way, you accept it and move on. See some one as either honest or dishonest-and accept him.
Then your mind is quiet. Then you are not in the gray area of doubt. Have conviction: “He is dishonest and yet he is still part of me. I accept him as he is.” That’s it. Finished.
Doubt is an unstable state with footing neither on this shore nor that shore. From there tension arises. One way or the other, take a direction and regain your footing.

Have you noticed that you usually doubt only the things that are positive in your life? Negative things you don’t doubt. You doubt a person’s honesty, and you believe in his dishonesty. When someone is angry with you, you believe in his dishonesty. When someone is angry with you, you have no doubt about his anger. But when someone says he loves you, a doubt creep in: does he really love me? When you are depressed, do you ever think Am l really depressed? No, you take your depression as a fact. Yet when you are happy, you doubt: Am I really happy; is this really what I wanted? You doubt that you are capable, but do you ever doubt that you are incapable?
See this tendency to doubt the positive things in your life. Put doubt in its proper place-and doubt the doubts. Doubt the negative and put your trust more in positive.

The most beautiful spot in the universe


Tourists travel from place to place looking for beauty. With photos and souvenirs they try to take the beauty back home with them. They only get tired and tanned.
Yet the most beautiful spot anywhere is right here. When you come here, you find everything is so beautiful wherever you are.

Where is this place?
Don’t look here and there; come within you.
When you are here, then any place becomes beautiful.
Then whenever you go, you add beauty there.

If you are unhappy, even the moon irritates you, sweet things nauseate, music disturbs. When you are clam and centered inside, noise is musical, clouds are magical, and rain is liquid love.
Books yourself on a trip to this most beautiful place in the universe. Then you’ll find that every day is a vacation and a celebration.

-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

How to grow Rich while you Sleep?

How to grow rich while you sleep? You can do it by communicating with your Creative Mind while your Conscious Mind sleeps along with the rest of you!
At this time, your creative mind is highly receptive and the conscious mind cannot interfere. Send your creative mind a message while you sleep, and that message sinks in. It even can eradicate undesiable old message. (You can do this at other times, too, but the best time is when you are asleep). And, by the way, you’ll sleep soundly.
The actual process of communication is very easy. Some people take days to master this pricless secret. I know of several men who did it in one night. It’s a wonderful experience to find that magic genie at your command.

Your Magic Formula

Five rules are given here for you to follow in gaining full and satisfying cooperation from your Creative Mind.
1. Before retiring, relax thoroughly- both mentally and physically.
2. Think of your problem. Think it through- but do not fear it. If you were to give a job to another person, you would have to explain what you wanted done. This is true with your creative mind. You are about to give it a special assignment, so it is necessary that you have clearly in mind just what it is you desire from your creative mind.
Do not fera it, because you will be turing it over intelligence of your conscious mind.
3. Gain a success Attitude. If you developed faith in your creative mind, it will be easy to have a success attitude. You will kon that it is able, ready and willing to serve you.
4. Ater you have gone this far, remove all thoughts of the problem from your conscious mind, knowing that the solution will be forthcoming at right time.

Let’s say, for example, that you have an important appointment at ten o’clock tomorrow morning, at which time you must make a momentous morning, at which time you must make a momentous decision. You are calling upon your creative mind this evening to help you to make the right decision. After you have progressed through the routine given above, merely turn the whole thing over to your creative mind- knowing that before ten o’clock tomorrow you will have the answer.

You’ll be amazed to find what will happen. Next morning you will awaken and find what will happen. Next morning you will be awaken and find thoughts coming into your consciousness as nto what you should do, and with this knowledge will be the reason why you should take such a step- or why you should avoid it. The succession of ideas will be so logical you will not be able to doubt it.